What Are The Best Resources To Learn English Quickly?

Even if you studied English at school it's not always easy to understand what the British, Americans or Canadians are saying, without considering the English spoken by non-native speakers, for example the Indian. Even people with degrees often have difficulty understanding what is being said and despite efforts it is not uncommon to feel frustrated for not understanding what is being said.

What Are The Best Resources To Learn English Quickly

If you have any doubts about why to learn or improve your English then you should read “why learn English”. Learning English can be a lot of effort, but you can also learn it while having fun by following simple tips that will make you stop thinking that you are not suitable for language. One of the fun and undemanding ways you can adopt is to use the free resources that the web makes available to you. It's not like a live course or, even better, an experience abroad that teaches you much more than just linguistics, but it's fast, effective, and free. We have selected the best resources available on the net and summarized them in the table below to allow you to consult them quickly according to your needs.


Personally, I recommend ReSOLT if you're just at zero level. ReSOLT is the best Spoken English institute in Mumbai, having a team of experienced mentors. The institute offers a simple and fun way to learn English in no time. We also recommended it to those who want learn advanced English. As the best English language courses in Mumbai, ReSOLT helps students and working professionals learn English with advanced study materials. 

In the end, it is enough to take 1 hour a day to memorize a couple of words and by doing so every day you learn a little something.

2. Preply

Preply is one of the best resources to learn English. It connects students with expert teachers for one-to-one English lessons via online video chat. You can choose your personal tutor based on factors such as country of origin, specialty, availability, reviews and price. After enrolling, the user will be required to complete a placement test and will receive an estimate of how many hours of study are required to progress to the next CEFR level. From now on, you can choose to use Preply's learning programs (ready-to-use English courses designed to perfection) or focus on the skills and vocabulary you need. You will be able to speak in English from the first lesson.

3. Abcya

If you are looking for a child-friendly English learning platform, Abcya is the one for you. It is a website full of interactive games that implement learning and strengthen the ability to memorize many terms. Through captivating games in which it is necessary to write small sentences, the students understand well synonyms, antonyms, adverbs, and grammar rules, also improving their spelling. 

Many young people who have used it for a rather long period have found notable improvements especially in the composition of sentences and in the honorability of verbal paradigms. It is a study method that uses play, and for this reason, it can become a diversion during the lesson in the classroom or be used by the teacher to do homework.

4. Pod English

Pod English is created by Education First – EF, together with Englishtown and contains a series of entertaining videos in which real and everyday moments that one can come across are recreated in English. The peculiarity is that the chosen channel is YouTube, which allows quick access to content even from a mobile. However, the texts are not available and there are no exercises. The videos, well done, are divided according to the 6 learning levels (from beginner to upper-intermediate). One way to use these videos is to watch and listen to them a few times.

5. Memrise

In Memrise, studying is seen as a plant: a lesson is planted, we water it by "refreshing" the concepts learned and finally our knowledge of the language "grows" because the more we practice the more words we learn.

The app is based on imagination and mental associations (a bit like Tony Buzan's mind mapping method!): there are cards created by the course teachers combined with each word or we can create our own by playing with images that help us remember the word more effectively. You can choose courses based on your interests: geography, art and literature or simply specific language courses. 

6. Tandem

With Tandem you can talk to a foreign language partner based on your interests. A matching system for interests and passions will in fact allow you to find the perfect interlocutor based on the chosen language. For example, I study Japanese and I like to talk about art and creativity with my Japanese friends on tandem.


In today’s time learning English is very important. The use of English is everywhere so you can’t deny the importance of it. There are plenty of ways you can follow to learn basic and advanced English. You can consider English language classes in Mumbai to become master in English, watch YouTube videos or attend the best English spoken institute in Mumbai.


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